


Ginseng Plus

Ginseng Plus

GINSING PLUS A Non Hormonal stimulant of Male Hormonal System


 Low sperm count 

 Abnormal production of sex hormone 

 Low sperm quality

 Lack of libido and erectile function

 Boost immune function

 Helps with physical performance and increase the resistance of strees


Take 1 pill after breakfast and one after dinner every day with milk





  • Stimulates the central nervous system and gonadal tissues leading to enhanced libido 
  • Improve blood sugar level 
  • Improves effect as aphrodisiac and immunostimulatory
  • the unique combination  of 13 herbal ingredients 
  • Ginseng plus have a stimulating effect on libido
  • It aids in the production of testosterone and thus helps in increasing male sexual energy 
  • It also is effective to reduce sexual exhaustion
  • Improving sperm count sperm motility and production of testosterone
  • 100% Safe 
  • No side effect 
  • Maintains hormonal balance 
  • Helps to improves structural problem with the male genital area